Registering Players

Registering Players

Parents of new players can download the forms from our website by visiting the "Tryout Info" page clickon the left-hand column tab "Ready to Join?"

It is easiest if managers hold all the paperwork for their team until all documents have been received and then send to the registrar.  This can be done also by sharing a Google Doc folder or a dropbox folder. To register a new team, a copy of the PA West Classic Form wil need to be received for each player plus a birth certificate and head shot photo if the player is new to Century.  Please contact the registrar if you have any questions.

Managers should keep a hard copy of the Medical Release form and the US Club forms in case of emergency. These forms do NOT need to be scanned, however we do need to know that you have the forms in your possession.

If parents would rather hand you a hard copy of abirth certificate, please contact the Registrar to make arrangements.

Info for New Managers and Coaches

Info for New Managers and Coaches

Hi and welcome to Century!  We play in both US Youth Soccer which is goverened by PA West in our area and in US Club for tournaments.  You will need to upload your clearances to both organizations. Once you have completed this, please send your birthdate and a head shot photo to

PA West uses Affinity to manage their paperwork and website info for teams.  Here are the website addresses:

US Club uses Kyck to to manage their paperwork and website info for teams.  Here are the website addresses:

  •  is the site to give you info about clearances and how to upload clearances for them
  • After you are entered into the system, you should have access to the KYCK site:
  • Century United is our club name in this system but the teams are named "Century"
  • We use US Club cards/rosters for tournaments
  • NEW!!!  You need to complete a safety course that costs $5 before you will get your passes.  This is for managers as well as coaches.

If you are getting paid from Century, please complete an I9 and send to Pat Vereb.  The form is located: 

For each player that might join your team who is NOT in our system we need:

  • A photocopy of the birth certificate.  We are moving away from emailing these forms, so please get a hard copy if possible
  • A headshot photo (you can email these!)

Each year, we need the following forms completed:

  • Medical form
  • PA West Classic League form (even if you are playing in a regional league)
  • US Club membership form.

Links to downlod the forms are on the left hand column of this webpage - also parents can download them directly from our website